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Point Mystic

Jul 18, 2024

CONTENT WARNING: Child endangerment.

NOTE: This episode begins directly after the cliffhanger ending of episode 21, Gnarwhal Part 7: The Waterhorse. We recommend listening to that episode before listening to our season finale.

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We discover the truth about what’s been taking the children of Point Mystic, where they have gone, and what it may mean for all...

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The hunt for the Mystic Waterhorse, the children, and the dark thing that took them...


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There really is a secret of Point Mystic - one that you can be a part of...
Written by:  Christopher...

Nov 1, 2021

As the entire town mobilizes to search for the missing children, Christopher, Marguerite and Fox discover a doorway that leads to an enigmatic figure known as the Beach Witch, who warns that things may be even darker than they appear.  



We would love for you to join opuir community. Visit our Point Mystic Patreon...

Aug 8, 2021

While the sun is shining and the islands of the bay are as perfect as a postcard, it's hard to imagine what happened in this cove. The thing that finally scared Fox into telling us about Gnarwhal. He cannot explain the strange events that occurred the day he returned here to look for the waterhorse with the intention of...